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发布时间:2012-10-22 点击数:

题目: 虚拟数控加工及优化技术

Virtual CNC & Optimization

主讲人:Yusuf Altintas

Professor, Fellow ASME, Member CIRPManufacturing

A utomation LaboratoryThe University of British ColumbiaDepartment of Mechanical Engineering

B.Sc. (Istanbul Technical Univ.), M.Sc. (New Brunswick),Ph.D. (McMasters)



Research Interests

Modeling and Analysis of Machining Processes

Design and Computer Control of Machine Tool Spindle and Feed Drives

Ultra-Precision Machining with Piezo Actuators

Design of Virtual High Performance Machining Simulation System

Sensor Fused Intelligent Machining Systems

Analytical and Experimental Modeling of the Mechanics and the Dynamics of Turning, Boring, Drilling and Milling Processes

Development of Industrial Software Packages for Machine Tool and Cutting Process, Analysis, and Diagnostics

Open Architecture Motion Control for Machine Tools

CNC System Design for Machine Tools

Precision Shaft Turning with Piezo Actuators

Intelligent Machining Process Control, Hardware Monitoring, and Software Modules for CNC Machine Tools

. CAD/CAM System Development for High Speed Machining of Dies and Molds

Current Research Work

?Design of virtual high performance machining systems in CAD environment

Dynamics of high-speed milling for aerospace and die/mold industry

Design and analysis of high-speed spindle drives

Trajectory generation for high-speed feed drives

Tracking control of high-speed feed drives for minimum contouring errors

Design of open architecture operating system environment for reconfigurable open CNC system design and implementation

Development of adaptive control, tool condition monitoring, and chatter vibration detection/suppression modules for milling processes

.Development of spindle integrated force and displacement sensors

Development of modular Piezo actuators for precision shaft turning

Active control of chatter vibration in turning

Analytical modelling and prediction of chatter vibrations in milling, boring, turning and drilling operations

Selected Publications

Altintas, Y., \\\"Manufacturing Automation: Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine Tool Vibrations, and CNC Design\\\", Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Altintas, Y., Erkorkmaz, K., and Zhu, W.H., \\\"Sliding Mode Controller Design for High-Speed Feed Drives\\\", CIRP Annals, Vol. 49(1), pp. 265-270, 2000.

Erol, N.A., Altintas, Y., and Ito, M., \\\"Open Architecture Modular Tool Kit for Motion and Machining Process Control\\\", Trans. ASME/IEEE J. Mechatronics, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 281-291, 2000.

Budak, E., and Altintas, Y., \\\"Analytical Prediction of Chatter Stability Conditions for Multi-Degree of Systems in Milling. Part I: Modeling, Part II: Applications\\\", Transactions of ASME, Journal of Dynamic systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 120, pp. 22-36, 1998.

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