本月25号左右通用电气航空集团将到交大宣讲,这次招聘经理是我们交大的老校友,有意向的同学可以发送简历到以下邮箱: xilin.liu@ge.com;bo1.xu@ge.com。
Job title 1 :
Mechanical Engineer in Aviation
Responsibilities/Job Roles :
Provide technical support to GE Aviation shop and suppliers.
· Develop NC programming software to improve machining efficiency.
· Troubleshoot and fix technical issues related to machining process.
· Work with onsite engineers to reduce NPI cycle time and improve manufacturing productivity.
· Work with team members to develop advanced machining technology in cost reduction.
Qualifications/Requirements :
· MS or Ph.D students in mechanical engineering or equivalent engineering.
· Knowledge and experience in manufacturing process.
· 3 year+ software development experience by using VC++ programming languages.
· 3 year+ experience in CAD/CAM software, especially in UG.
· Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
· Fluent in Mandarin and English.
· Highly motivated to direct work effort and drive closure.
· Team player with good customer communication skills.
Job title 2 :
Composite Engineer in Aviation
Responsibilities/Job Roles :
Responsible to build composite manufacturing expertise to support GE Aviation Systems business in China.
· Support the set up of manufacturing production line for Aviation Systems Suzhou
· Troubleshoot manufacturing issues.
· Help to establish detail spec for manufacturing operation.
· Develop manufacturing/inspection technology to improve productivity and reduce cost.
· Deliver all necessary composite training for Aviation Systems Suzhou shop and act as local interface that supports production.
Qualifications/Requirements :
· Master or Ph.D students in Mechanical or Material Engineering.
· Knowledge and experience in composite manufacturing process.
· Fluent in Mandarin and English.
· Highly motivated to direct work effort and drive closure.
· 3 year+ experience in CAD/CAM software, especially in UG.
· Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
· Fluent in Mandarin and English.
· Highly motivated to direct work effort and drive closure.