主要从事岩石物理理论、实验及应用,复杂油气储层地震物理模拟,非常规油气资源地球物理勘探等方面的研究工作。在国内外发表SCI/EI论文30余篇,其中第一作者发表SCI/EI论文16篇,申请发明专利多项。欧洲EAGE会员,美国SEG会员,中国地球物理学会终身会员,《Petroleum Science》青年编委、2022 SEG 地球物理-地质-工程一体化技术研讨会技术委员、Geophysics、GJI、Fuel、JPSE等10余个权威期刊审稿人。
电子邮箱: cupgongfei@163.com
1. 岩石物理、地震物理模拟
2. 地震正演和反演
3. 非常规油气储层预测(煤层气、页岩气、致密砂岩气、碳酸盐岩储层)
1. 国家自然科学基金: 页岩黏土矿物弹性性质及地震岩石物理建模研究,主持.
2. 博士后面上基金: 基于岩石物理测试的粘土矿物弹性参数估算方法研究,主持.
3. 煤炭精细勘探与智能开发全国重点实验室自主课题: 煤层气储层煤岩岩石物理特征研究-以沁水盆地主采煤层为例,主持.
4. 高校委托项目: 煤系地层岩石物理测试分析,主持.
5. 企业委托项目: 基于三维地震数据的夏店煤矿复杂地震构造展布规律研究,主持.
1. Gong Fei, Liangliang Gao, Guangui Zou, et al. The effects of clay mineralogy and crack properties on elastic properties of the dry and water saturated TI rocks. Geophysics, 2023, 88(3):1-56.
2. Fei Gong, Yichen Song, Lianbo Zeng, et al. The heterogeneity of petrophysical and elastic properties in carbonate rocks controlled by strike-slip fault: A case study from yangjikan outcrop in the tarim basin. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2023, 220:111170.
3. Gong Fei, Liangliang Gao, Guangui Zou, et al.The investigation of multiple factors on elastic anisotropy of artificial shale based on the orthogonal experiment. Petroleum Science, 2023.
4. Fei Gong, Bangrang Di, Lianbo Zeng, et al. The elastic properties and anisotropy of artificial compacted clay samples. Geophysics. 2021, 86(1): MR1–MR15.
5. Fei Gong, Bangrang Di, Lianbo Zeng, et al. Static and dynamic linear compressibility of dry artificial and natural shales under confining pressure. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2020, 192:107242.
6. Fei Gong, Bangrang Di, Jianxin Wei, et al. A study of the anisotropic static and dynamic elastic properties of transversely isotropic rocks. Geophysics. 2019, 84(6): C281-C293.
7. Fei Gong, Bangrang Di, Jianxin Wei, et al. Experimental investigation of mechanical compaction on the physical and elastic properties of synthetic shales. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2019, 161:139-152..
8. Fei Gong, Bangrang Di, Jianxin Wei, et al. Dynamic mechanical properties and anisotropy of synthetic shales with different clay minerals under confining pressure. Geophysical Journal International. 2018, 212:2003-2015.
9. Fei Gong, Bangrang Di, Jianxin Wei, et al. Experimental investigation of the effects of clay content and compaction stress on the elastic properties and anisotropy of dry and saturated synthetic shale. Geophysics. 2018, 83(5): C195-C208.
10. Fei Gong, Bangrang Di, Jianxin Wei, et al. Ultrasonic velocity and mechanical anisotropy of synthetic shale with different types of clay minerals. Geophysics. 2018, 83(2): MR57–MR66.
1. 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖,2023年.
2. 中国地球物理学会优秀博士学位论文奖,2021年.
3. yl7703永利官网(北京)优秀班主任,2022年.